Turning Around

Turning Around

5:30 a.m., Sunday. The morning was cool as the sun was casting its first sunrays on top of the trees. The neighborhood was quiet as most people were probably still in bed. But I wasn’t.  I put on my tennis shoes and headed outside. With temperatures in the high...


Aha moments can be powerful! I recently read a book by Dr. Edith Eger called The Choice. In it Dr. Eger tells her experience as a prisoner in Auschwitz, and the healing journey across the years after her liberation from the concentration camp. One of the things I...
Beautifully Complex

Beautifully Complex

Ballina Road Coaching exists to support those who want to achieve great health through lifestyle transformation. Because we are beautifully complex beings, I don’t focus on one area of your wellbeing only, but address you as a whole person. This is holistic coaching. ...
An Abundant Life

An Abundant Life

Hi there! I wanted to tell about an adventure I embarked on a few years ago which has been growing so much that I must share it with everyone! It has to do with the choices we make and the power we have to change our lives for the better. As I started redirecting my...
Getting Back to Health

Getting Back to Health

In January 2019 it was officially proposed at the World Health Organization (WHO) that 2020 would be the year of the nurse and the midwife. Little did we know then how 2020 was going to impact not only the healthcare system, but the entire world. At first I thought...