Life has changed. I’m not completely sure if for the better or for the worse, this I’m still trying to figure out. I’m not entirely sure if things have slowed down as I am still very busy, but I’m busy with different things, and several of those things I enjoy. It seems that my to-do list has shifted slightly to a want-do list. 

Earlier this week I was thinking how I haven’t sat down to write in a long time. I love writing. Looking back I can see where I derailed from the path of inspiration and motivation to write. Good things I said yes to that took a toll on me. Hardships. Trials. Growing and learning experiences that took from me. Something.

But now time has given me the opportunity to explore different things. I want to take advantage of it before it changes next week. 

This morning I went for a walk. Nature was fully awake. Most human beings still inside their warm houses. I bundled up enough to enjoy the cool morning air and was in awe of the world. Walking along the path I sensed a pleasant scent. Bushes of Lady Banks Roses graced the fences and filled the air with their perfume. Delightful.

Several species of birds, from common house finches, to quails, and thrashers filled the sky with their songs and flights. Little bunnies took off from the path, hiding from me inside low bushes beside the side walk.

Then there was the sun. Glorious, bright, and warm.

And I looked at everything surrounding me and was in awe. To think that it was all created for me, for my enjoyment. I surely enjoyed it all. 

I wish I could spend more time admiring nature. There is something special about it that is healing for the soul. Scientific research confirms it. The big blue sky, the sunshine, the immense variety of plants, tall mountains, deep valleys, birds, animals, fish, stars, water, dirt…calm, invigorating, healing. 

So today I went for a walk. And this afternoon, still basking on the experience, I’m writing about it. And it feels good to cross this item from my want-do list.