Growing up my father often spoke of the inheritance he would leave for us kids. Visions of treasure and large amounts of money would enter his listeners minds. What and how much was my father’s inheritance? He thoroughly enjoyed people’s reactions as they listened to him describe his big plans for us. With determination, a hint of pride, and a huge dose of love, he would state that as an inheritance he would leave each of his three children two hands to work and a mind to think.

As a child I would just think my dad was so silly, and secretly wish he had loads of money to leave us kids instead, but as I grew older I understood the immense value of the inheritance he did leave us after he passed away. Two hands to work and a mind to think. What a treasure greater than any other. This inheritance gives me the ability, the power even, to change to course of my life and affect other people’s lives for the better. 

This week I was reading about a 60 year-old woman’s insight into her aging hands. They have done so much in those 60 years.

I was challenged to look at my own hands and think back at all they have done. Sometimes we, women especially, have the astonishing ability of minimizing all the amazing things we do, believing thus the lie that we are not important and not enough. So I made a list of some of the things my hands have done. 

  • Made music on my cello and my piano.

  • Held my husband’s hand.

  • Touched my son in sweet embraces. 

  • Wrote letters to my mom. 

  • Folded in prayer in intimate conversation with God. 

  • Cared for my sick patients.

  • Wiped tears from eyes filled with sadness.

  • Made handmade cards to send to friends and family.

  • Played with Legos.

  • Cooked healthy meals.

  • Planted gardens. 

Every day our hands are used for incredible things. We touch loved ones, people’s lives, and can even make a difference for the future generations. All with just our two hands. What are some of the things your hands, this amazing inheritance you’ve been given, have done?