What does it look like to change your heating habits and experience great benefits in just 3 weeks? For my client Dianna this change has meant freedom from depression, a weight loss of 11 pounds, and a new outlook in life. In 3 weeks only. That’s the power of food! Healthy, nutritious food. Not a fad diet, but a lifestyle change.

I like to ask my clients to share pictures of their health journey with me. It’s encouraging to them and motivating to me, as I too continue on this journey towards abundant living. Dianna’s pictures were too beautiful not to share, so with her permission here they are.

Be inspired!

Healthy Berry Muffins

Overnight refrigerator steel cut oats with fruit, nuts, and chia seeds
Sweet cherries
Mango salsa
Salad and Spanish Quinoa
Quinoa salad
Colorful toppings on a bed of greens

I think her health journey looks stunning. What does your health journey look like?