Vania’s gentle nature and good humor provided a safe space to open up and really explore the issues in life which were holding me back.  Together we worked on expanding my mindfulness practice and creating techniques which I am able to use daily.  When I shared with her that I would like to start using writing as a path towards self discovery, she guided me to a few excellent resources which provide writing prompts for that purpose.  

I am grateful to have been able to spend this time with Vania.  Her insights have been invaluable.

Tracy S., Idaho

My experience working with Vânia was positive. I especially enjoyed how she focused on my victories and not my failures. I also appreciated the judge free zone, and felt I could speak freely. I felt that I was able to look at my walk through life more realistically, and set realistic expectations for myself. I also learned be more forgiving of myself when I don’t reach those expectations. I’ve learned that life is not made up of checklists, but of small victories that add up to   bigger ones. I’ve also learned to set realistic expectations for myself that are based on me as an individual and my needs. 

I recommend Vânia to close friends and families who need an encouraging person to help put them on a healthy track to positive changes in their life.

Yvette, 46, New Mexico

Vania is a very open, understanding, and calming presence. Talking with her is so easy, and she gives you space to open up and talk about things that you need to get off your chest. Our mindfulness practices would often leave me feeling relaxed and grounded. At times, I would come into our talks anxious about the day or with something going on in my life, and I ended our talk with a clear mind and heart.

I would 100% recommend Vania’s services to anyone and everyone !! If you need tools to help you manage your stress, talk to Vania ! If you just need someone to talk to and help you set little goals for you day, talk to Vania ! She has been an incredible resource for me !! 

Robyn Burns, RN, BSN, CCRN

When I started my coaching sessions with Vânia I was feeling very overwhelmed with my employment at the hospital. I was feeling burnout and dissatisfied with the work that I am doing and often felt that my work is not appreciated. However, Vania helped me manage my frustrations and learn to re-focus. I liked most that Vania is a good listener and easy to talk to. Since working with her I’m at more peace with my job and am focused on other goals until I can do the type of work that I want to do. I would recommend Vania’s coaching to anyone.

Sonia Bailey, 34, CA

The first thing that made me feel safe and confident with Vania was her calm presence and soothing voice. I was also thankful that we shared the same faith tradition. I felt like Vania understood my desire to not just find peace and joy for myself but love God and others well. We shared a desire to keep our families a priority. This really helped me sort through some time management issues and Vania was able to bring me back there often to keep me centered. Vania is observant and wise in drawing conclusions from what she has observed.

Part of being observant is sitting as long as it takes to hear the heart of a matter. What a great listener!! I remember going on for about 10 minutes at a time since I am a verbal processor. She was so patient. When I would get stuck she would dig and dig by asking powerful questions until the solution was uncovered. I was able to work out so many things that were causing stress in my life. I continue to enjoy more relaxation and mindfulness because of my coaching experience with Vania. I would recommend her as a coach to any of my friends!


Right before coaching with Vânia, I had experienced two major losses (a relationship and a job) as well as placing my mother in a nursing home. During coaching I was able to identify previous successful coping mechanisms that aided me in navigating my life’s journey and find myself again in the process. I remembered who I am and my self- worth. I realized I will make it and be better for the changes in my life. I have been decreasing my cigarette intake while finding new (old) ways to relieve my anxiety and stress through journaling and living life outside the house again. I’ve accepted a position that I have previously held and was hesitant to take on again. I have a renewed self-confidence that I can make a difference and positively impact the lives of the team and patients. Stopping to ask why I am doing something is new to me. I have been searching for the cues and rewards in many aspects of my behaviors (mostly negative).

Coaching has positively affected some of my relationships as well. I find Vânia very warm and open to conversation, yet firm enough to keep the conversation on track and therapeutic. Each session felt like it had a purpose to move along to a positive conclusion and goal. I recommend Vânia to anyone looking to make a positive change in their lives.

Kim M., 51, Texas

I was working as a teaching principal, being a mom, and learning how to be a new wife to my husband.
Our coaching sessions gave me time to think about the why behind some of the behaviors I do not like in myself. It was freeing to just see the why behind the behavior and it gave me a chance to give myself grace as well as forgiveness.

My experience with Vania was wonderful! It was like having a deep talk with a true friend rather than being in a counseling session. She was forgiving, and did not make me feel uncomfortable.
I was able to let go of some obsessive behaviors because I am able to give myself grace. I think it has helped me to be a better mom to my sons because I am more focused on my priorities.


I was very hard on myself, and feeling I was a disaster of a person really needing major work. Coaching was not what I expected. I thought she would tell me what to do and how to fix me. Instead she listened and asked questions. Through the answers I provided, I realized I did not give myself enough credit for the hard work I had been putting in throughout the past few years. She helped me set achievable goals for myself to work on throughout the week. I think the greatest thing I took away was to be kind to myself, take things slow, and do things that align with my core values (which I discovered!)

I am so thankful for Vania, her listening ear and coaching skills helped me feel important and validated. I would definitely recommend Vania’s coaching to anyone who is looking to improve in an area in their life. You will grow and learn so much about yourself!

Priscilla, 34

I started my health journey February 2019. My goals at that time were to be healthy and loose weight. I was good the first three months and then started facing challenges that made me go back to my old ways. And recuperated the weight that I had lost. When I accepted to be coached by Vania, this time was different because not only I changed my eating habits but worked more on the mental and the emotional aspect of my life. It helped me to realized that in order to succeed I needed to take care of myself and heal emotionally. So when I expressed out laud what I was feeling and what I was going through the coaching helped me to focus on establish goals and changes in my life to get better. That changed my perspective of how I saw life and be more positive. Got closer to God and have a positive attitude.

Over all I enjoyed my time with my coach and appreciate her help when I was going through a hard time of depression, her words of encouragement made the difference in my life.


Before starting my nurse coaching sessions I was seeking to have a closer relationship with God and trying to make time for him. As well as being a busy mom, wife and nurse. I was struggling with finding time for God and myself. The coaching session helped provide guidance, encouragement and focus to make goals and interventions to achieve those goals.

I liked several things about my coaching experience. I liked having homework and having someone hold me accountable. I was also very thankful for the kindness that my coach provided and the time set aside specifically for myself and my goals. My favorite part of the session was when we did the mindful thinking exercise. I felt that it was powerful and healing.

I feel that my life has benefited in a positive way from this coaching experience. I feel that I have learned tools to be present and focus on what’s important and release what is not important. I feel that I am working towards achieving my goals that I started on initially. I feel I am building a spiritual bridge with my son, as well as with God.

I have learned mindfulness exercises and trying to set time aside for these exercises. As well as trying to listen rather then talk all the time.

I would recommend coaching to my colleagues as well as family members.


My time working with Vania has been such a blessing in my life. I didn’t realize, until my conversations with her, that I needed someone to listen to me and to help me climb the hills in my life. Not only are we in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, but my husband and I are planning to move to Europe for his work and we will be leaving our daughter behind in the US while she attends college. This stress has me overwhelmed and ready to fold like a napkin. My anxiety has been all over the place. My healthy diet that I once had went out the window and my physical activity came to a grinding halt as I crumpled under the pressure of my never ending to-do list.
Vania helped me prioritize what was most important to me and put things into perspective. She helped me realize that I was, in fact, checking off my list items and meeting my goals even when I felt like I was a failure. Her gentle and kind spirit is what I needed most when I felt the chaotic buzz of life around me.
I have never had a therapist (or anyone for that matter) listen to me the way Vania did. She would let me speak and she would really listen. Then she would give me this incredible insight that she gathered from our conversation that would have never occurred to me otherwise. It is so refreshing to talk to someone impartial and non-judgmental who only wants to help. She also taught me calming techniques to help control my anxiety and bring me back into the moment. I now know to stop, take some deep breaths, and just focus on my five senses to bring my spinning mind back to the present moment.
One of my biggest take-aways that I learned was how to say “no”. I am a people pleaser and I will say “yes” to any favor asked of me, even though it is inconvenient, troublesome, or just not something I want to do. I have always felt that I couldn’t say “no” because I would let someone down. And if I did say “no”, then I would feel tremendous guilt. Vania helped me realize that I can’t say “yes” all the time. She taught me that it is ok to turn people down, especially if by saying “yes” to someone else puts my family’s priorities last. I’m in the time of my life when my family should be my main focus and not doing favors for other people all the time. It felt like such a relief to know that I can say “no” and not have to feel guilty doing so.
Another insight I gained from working with my dear friend, Vania, is that no matter how slow I may go at times, I am still reaching my goals. I am building momentum as I go because I no longer feel that my goals are totally unattainable dreams, but that they are real goals that I have set and am actively working toward. I needed so badly to hear that from someone. Sometimes we all need someone cheering us on!
I would, absolutely, recommend Vania Kasper to anyone who needs someone to help them reach their goals. She truly has a gift for teaching, listening, and helping people. She has been a huge blessing in my life during this crazy, busy, and extremely stressful period. I look forward to working with her again in the future.
Marla Wagner

After I lost precious people in my life, I became depressed and lost motivation, resulting in gaining weight, having less energy, and even more depression. Vania helped me trace a new plan for my life,  helped me gain motivation back, which resulted in the loss of the gained pounds and even more, I started feeling healthier, stronger and happier. 

I loved all the beneficial info about health, replacing bad habits with good habits, and especially appreciated the positive support.

After working with Vânia I achieved the weight I hadn’t had since I was a young girl, became healthier, have much more energy now to help with my grandkids, and feel happier with myself and others around me. 

I recommend Vania as a health coach to anyone who wants to be healthier, happier, and feel more accomplished in life.

Thank you Vania, from the bottom of my heart. You helped this old Grandma become young again. 😁 


My experience working with Vania was really a gift. I don’t often take time for myself and MY needs. Being a busy mom of two young boys, and a business owner, much of my time is spent focusing on others, which I love, but this time spent in coaching with Vania was exactly what I needed to reset my mind and areas of my life causing me some stress and worry. Vania held me so gently and with so much love, I felt so seen and heard. Her questions helped me to really think about what was at the root of some of the stresses I was feeling, and she asked me a question that will forever change my life and the way I look at my boundaries!

What I liked most about our coaching relationship was that Vania is so warm and inviting, and I can tell she truly cares about my highest good and well being. She is an amazing listener and I felt so comfortable talking to her.

One of the things I was struggling with was my goal of getting to the gym to workout five days a week. I love working out and it gives me such a sense of peace and I feel so much less stressed after I get a workout in, and I was finding that I wasn’t getting to the gym even though I wanted to. What I discovered through working with Vania was that I was trying to reach a goal that was not possible given the time restraints of my schedule UNLESS I asked for help, and that scheduling my workouts was the thing that made it so much easier to reach my goal! I had to have stronger boundaries around that priority and not let other people and things take priority over my health and wellbeing. This was HUGE!

I learned that my boundaries were not very strong, especially when it came to my kids and loved ones. I always want to serve them and make them happy, and that often comes at a cost to me. Something that is so important to me is to be healthy and strong and be able to be active into my older years, and by setting boundaries around my time to workout so that I get and stay strong is important for that goal, and it benefits my kids and loved ones, so it’s easier to keep that boundary knowing I am helping them (and myself) in the long run. This was such a pivotal discovery from my coaching sessions with Vania!

If you have stress, or have a goal that you want to achieve, whether it’s losing weight or eating healthier, or maybe you have some issues in your relationships with loved ones, I would recommend Vania’s coaching to you so that you can get started on the path to your version of wellness and the healthiest life you can lead. Health affects so many areas of our lives, and we often need support and guidance so that we can see things with a fresh perspective. Vania is so passionate about health and wellness and her coaching has changed my life for the better in my health and in my relationships, I am so grateful for her!

Sara Visness, BSN, RN, PHN, NC-BC

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