Change can be difficult and change can be fun! And change can elicit more change. 

A few weeks ago I decided to try something different for breakfast, to break away from my faithful oatmeal with fruit and nuts and use this first meal of the day to add more veggies. Enter breakfast salad, a deliciously juicy way of eating fruit and vegetables. My main intention has been to only add nutritious leafy greens to my diet. These super foods are so important to our health, yet the western diet is so depleted of them. With all the knowledge and advancements in science that we have, how come these foods are not encouraged more?

Interestingly, as I see how my health is improving as a result of this one small change (increased energy, weight loss), I am feeling motivated to try other things, and adopt new habits here and there. In fact this month has brought quite a few changes that have helped me have a more clear mind and even time to do some new things I’ve been wanting to do. I’m curious as to what else will unfold as I continue to take care of my body and my mind in new ways. 

Often we say that we lack motivation for this or that, but motivation is a result of action. I want to encourage you to take a few moments with your thoughts, undistracted, and decide where in your life you would like to make a small change to improve your wellbeing. Then go for it and notice the results and motivation come. 


Greens on the bottom