Grateful for slow.

After the crazy past several months, I’m starting to notice small pockets of slow and for those I’m grateful. The last year has thrown at me some difficult moments, and coronavirus came to stir the pot even more. During this time I’ve had the chance to put into practice concepts learned during my health coaching education. Wow do they work! 

Resilience. What a powerful world. This God-given power we humans have to overcome the most difficult of circumstances. 

I went outside for a few minutes. The moon is visible in the darkening sky. It’s so fresh. The wind playing with my hair making it go in all kinds of different directions. How funny the wind can be. But it felt good. Outside felt good. I took in several deep breaths, taking in the present. This beautiful moment in time that I so often neglect. 

With an out-of-state move now behind me, a full time job just around the corner, and covid-19 on all sides, I’m grateful for the present. For the fresh air, the calm evening, a quiet neighborhood, and the moon. Right now, I’m not thinking about the next moment. Just this moment here. And it feels right. 

I wish I would focus more on the present… a new goal…