I love spending quiet time in the morning near a window, taking a little bit of the outside to inside with me. This morning, face pressed against the window screen watching all the activity in the backyard, I started thinking about all the views outside meaningful windows in the past few years.
There was the window that looked deep into the forest, moose confidently passing by, and northern lights dancing slowly in the cold sky at night. In the winter the window looked into a winter wonderland, speckled with ice crystals floating in the air as if a gentle rain of tiny glitter was falling from the sky.
Then there was the window that looked into the neighborhood and the mountains in the distance. The view was so dynamic, filled with interesting things. Cars and people passing by… stories passing by right on the other side of the glass.
There was the window that looked into a brick wall. Not only made the inside quiet and serene, but caused me to pay more attention to what goes on in the sky. And what a sky! So blue and big and surprisingly so busy with birds quickly flying by, tiny airplanes filled with people inside, colorful hot air balloons, and at night, well, at night God would bring the stars out one by one and fill the view with wonder and love.
There was the window that looked into a large red trampoline sitting majestically under a large tree that housed and fed all kinds of mysterious creatures and busy birds. A variety of rose bushes and different flowers surrounded the yard, and a butterfly bush hid quietly in the corner with its purple fragrant flowers, as if it wanted to keep them all to itself. What a feast of colors and perfume in the Spring and all Summer long as the roses kept blooming through the seasons. What a place of joy and laughter as children did acrobatic jumps on the red trampoline.
There was the window with the tall pine tree on the other side. It kept the neighborhood mostly hidden from view, but only to display wildlife in all its glory. That tree housed families of doves and adorable lesser-yellow finches that I got to watch growing from egg to beautiful adults. The sap dripping from the tree trunk and branches was a sweet treat to all kinds of bugs and hummingbirds. It was a common hanging out place for a group of energetic bush tits. I always wanted to know what they were saying, but they spoke way too fast for me to understand. And from the very top of the tree the neighborhood hawk could watch over its kingdom. Or was he watching over his dinner plate? Sometimes a robin would sit on top and sing soft whistles throughout the day. People inside large wicker baskets suspended by glad hot air balloons often took over the sky in the morning. I loved the show of colors the balloons would display!
And now there’s this window here with a new view that I’m still learning about and exploring. Outside there’s a tree, though not just any tree. It’s a lilac tree! I can only imagine how it will be next Spring when it’s in full bloom, but I will patiently wait until then because there’s still so much to see at the present moment. For several weeks, families of house sparrows made it a place for community gatherings, as they were busy raising their babies nearby. Maybe they were having parenting meetings, exchanging ideas on how to raise young sparrows nowadays. Times are different, you know? Now that the nests are empty, the tree has taken new life. With the new feeders we hung this week, other birds are visiting the lilac tree. The chickadees come announcing their arrival with friendly chirps. They grab a seed from the feeder and take it to one of the branches to eat.  This morning I saw a yellow bird. It was very quick, so I’m not sure what it was, but I’m thinking a warbler. I hope it comes back! On the other side of the tree are two smaller bushes with tiny white flowers that smell amazing! The fresh morning breeze carries their perfume inside the house and makes me smile in joy.
It’s not joy only. It’s also gratitude for my Heavenly Father who teaches me so much about Him when I am still and sit quietly watching all He wants me to see outside the window. If He takes care of all the nature and creation, how much more will He take care of me, His most special treasure?
What do you see outside your favorite window?