Sitting here in front of my bedroom window looking outside. There’s so much going on on the other side of the glass, yet it’s so calming. Three new white roses bloomed overnight on the rosebush right in front. What force makes them grow and be so beautiful?

A very gentle breeze softly touches the leaves of the large willow tree, and the butterfly bush, with its heavier leaves and fragrant purple flowers, dances a very slow dance with the wind. Fluffy white clouds travel above, going I don’t know where. I wonder what the view is like from up there, so close to the blue of the sky

The house is still quiet, but outside the birds fill the air with their morning songs and conversations. I’m intrigued at what they’re saying. I wish I new. I can hear the flutter of tiny humming bird wings coming to their designated feeder. A robin walks across the top of the fence. So mysterious hiding in the shadows of the trees. Maybe he’s a spy… or maybe he has a secret no one can know.

Robins laugh and one just laughed a good laugh. Maybe he thinks it’s funny that I’ve been up since so early and didn’t sleep longer. But if I had stayed longer in bed little Robin, I wouldn’t have seen the beautiful world God placed outside of my bedroom window.