Eating for health is usually a lot of fun! The foods are amazing, the flavors and colors create a feast to the eyes and the mouth, and the body dances joyfully with the super nutrients we’re putting inside.

Since changing the way I eat two years ago, I have been creatively modifying some of my favorite dishes to make them healthier. Adding cauliflower to mashed potatoes, making my sandwiches thick with greens and using avocado instead of cheese, loading burritos with beans and veggies instead of cheese and sour cream, and adding seeds and a generous handful of spinach to fruit smoothies, are just some of the many things I’ve changed in the way I eat.

Pancakes have also been modified. The picture above is just one of the ways I now eat my pancakes. Instead of the traditional butter and syrup, now I add peanut butter and apple sauce, or home made nutella, or even coconut butter, and then top it with all kinds of colorful fruits. Warmed up frozen blueberries make a wonderful sauce for pancakes, no need to add sugar.

How can you make healthy versions of the foods you like? Comment below. 🙂