In January 2019 it was officially proposed at the World Health Organization (WHO) that 2020 would be the year of the nurse and the midwife. Little did we know then how 2020 was going to impact not only the healthcare system, but the entire world.

At first I thought that we couldn’t celebrate the Year of the Nurse at a worst time and in a worse way: with a pandemic! However, as time progressed and I thought more about it, I couldn’t help but think what a perfect year to truly appreciate this amazing profession, in which science and art come beautifully together in caring for other human beings. 

Nurses all over the world stepped up to provide healing to those affected by COVID. Nurses were in the hospitals, in clinics, schools, and in the community, treating, educating, encouraging, listening, and caring. Some were connecting with people in person, others through phones and video, carrying healing and wellness through different and new ways.

I love it how Nursing Now describes the role nurses have in health and wellbeing:

“Nurses are at the heart of most health teams, playing a crucial role in health promotion, disease prevention and treatment. As the health professionals who are closest to the community, they have a particular role in developing new models of community-based care and support local efforts to promote health and prevent disease.”(1)

Nurses are pretty amazing, and even though I am a nurse, I can’t stop being so impressed by the incredible men and women who have joined me in this profession. 

One thing 2020 has revealed even more than before is that there is an urgent need to put health back into healthcare, and there is a group of nurses in the front lines of this movement promoting health and wellness. In 2021 I joined this movement and became a nurse coach, encouraging holistic wellness and a life abundantly healthy. My practice has focused on women who want to experience freedom from chronic conditions such as diabetes and prediabetes, freedom from  behaviors that no longer serve them, who want to live life to the fullest, and who are ready to break free from thoughts and habits that have hurt their wellbeing. The transformation in my clients’ lives has been phenomenal. Not only are they enjoying physical wellness, but also mental and emotional freedom. You can read some of their testimonies under Testimonials. 

If you are ready to embrace a life filled with joy, with physical and emotional wellbeing, send me a message at or schedule a free consultation here.

Let’s work together to put health and wellness back into your life!
