Six months ago I decided to expand my wellness journey. I had been enjoying great health and the passion to share what I was learning with others started to grow bigger in me, so I signed up for a Transformative Nurse Coaching program. And what a journey it has been! You see, I thought I was signing up to learn how to teach wellness, which is true, but I did it by learning myself. By going even deeper into my own journey. 

Coaching methods, nursing theories, and all types of interesting things were part of my training, but the most fascinating thing I learned was the power of deep listening and the value of insight in us reaching our wellness goals.

I confess I was slightly skeptical at first. I’m not a therapist or a counselor. Coaching cannot be this powerful. But then I coached and was coached. And through these experiences I learned that coaching is more than powerful. I cannot underestimate the effects a single conversation can have and its ability to change life for the better. 

For the past several months not only did I accomplish some pretty hefty goals, but I was able to be there for amazing clients who gave it all to reach their own goals. People who truly embraced the process and in return received amazing insights into their life. They played full out and received ten fold in return for what they put it. I’m so amazed and humbled by the whole experience.

So what’s next?

Ballina Road is expanding its services to include health coaching! With my background in healthcare and the things learned in class and on the field, I have the needed tools to coach others in their wellness journeys.

If you’re interested in partnering with me to create plans to help you reach your wellness goals, contact me. Let’s work together. 

More on this soon!