Have you ever experienced a food craving? Like chocolate in between meals for example? And by between meals I mean all day long! If you are a human being living on this earth, I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about. Once in a while, and especially if I’m feeling stressed or bored, I start thinking about chocolate. And then there’s this internal struggle for a long time that only goes away when I finally decide to not give in to temptation, or until I satisfy the unhealthy craving by munching on chocolate throughout the day. And then, of course, feel guilty about it.

For me it’s chocolate, but for others is ice cream, or potato chips, or whatever it is. And the struggle is real. What can a person do? Usually we are needing motivation to overcome the craving and continue on our journey to a great abundant life. 

I remember a while back I was craving chocolate for a few days, and the craving was so strong that I was ready to buy the entire candy section at the store. I was driving home when I decided to stop at the book store. While browsing the books I came across the health section. Health will always interest me and as I checked the cookbooks and books on healthy lifestyle, I decided to purchase one called Celebrations. I didn’t know much about the book, but it was filled with colorful pictures and the idea behind it seemed interesting. As I sat down to read just a little bit, I immediately became motivated to take better care of myself. I went home and drank a big glass of water instead of eating chocolate like I had been planing. All of a sudden, in fact, I didn’t feel like chocolate anymore.

The path for healthy living is not always upwards. It is, in fact, made of ups and downs. And it’s ok because that’s how we learn and grow. There’s a  phrase in the Bible that says: “God who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” You can find it in Philippians 1:6. I believe it describes well what I’m trying to say. The work being done in our lives is a good one. And it will be completed. We start on this path and we will overcome in the end. It’s a process.

If you, like me, are trying to live a better life, don’t be discouraged if you feel tempted to backslide, to forget everything and go back to your old lifestyle. Don’t feel discouraged even if you do backslide! Just pick up where you are and move on. Sometimes we need a little encouraging. For me it was seeing the beautiful pictures of my new book, but it could be reading this blog, talking with a friend about your struggles, seeing the number on the scale, or even an illness.
Whatever it is, do not give up! Just because we fail a few times, it doesn’t mean we fail for good! The ultimate goal is a better life and I know we will achieve the finish line with success!