Salad For Breakfast

Salad For Breakfast

Change can be difficult and change can be fun! And change can elicit more change.  A few weeks ago I decided to try something different for breakfast, to break away from my faithful oatmeal with fruit and nuts and use this first meal of the day to add more veggies....
Top 5 Favorite Books I Read Last Year

Top 5 Favorite Books I Read Last Year

Have you ever watched a movie about a book you read and thought “the book was so much better than the movie?” I believe this happens to most of us and the reason is simple: we have awesome imaginations! The movie director has to tell the main story of the...
To Change or Not To Change

To Change or Not To Change

Circulating on my social media are recommendations of the top books to read for 2024. I love to read, so I eagerly comb through the lists of suggestions to see if there’s anything that captures my attention. What is interesting to notice is that the majority of the...
On Writing

On Writing

Sometimes I have this strong desire to write, but don’t know what to write about. I sit at my desk, open my computer or notebook, get a blank page ready and stare at it in a glazed look. The words seem so ready to come out. The thoughts, the dreams, the...
Thinking for Wellbeing

Thinking for Wellbeing

According to Vibrant Life magazine, the average person has about 6,200 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative. That’s 4960 negative thoughts per day! And as much as 95% of our thoughts are the same as the day before. This means many of our negative thoughts stay...