Weekly Prep

Weekly Prep

No one can deny the importance of being prepared. Study for an exam, pack for a trip, save to buy a house, and doing research for a project, are just some of the things we need to do to be prepared for certain situations in life. If you don’t study for that exam,...
A Feast on My Plate

A Feast on My Plate

In spite of not being an expert food photographer, I thought I would share some of the parties that happen on my plate at meal time. Two years ago, after reading Super Immunity by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, I changed my diet to a plant strong diet. The majority of the foods I...
Keep Your Life Interesting

Keep Your Life Interesting

Andrew Taylor, the man who changed his health and food addiction by eating potatoes only for a whole year, said something on a recent webinar that got me thinking. He said we should make our food boring and our lives interesting. I’ve been pondering on that sentence...
10 Seconds to Gratitude

10 Seconds to Gratitude

All it took were 10 seconds. Maybe 15.  I had finished a morning class early, and being close to Whole Foods Market, one of my favorite health food stores, I decided to go in for a few minutes. While driving there through back neighborhoods, I came upon a stop sign....