Pockets of Slow

Pockets of Slow

Grateful for slow. After the crazy past several months, I’m starting to notice small pockets of slow and for those I’m grateful. The last year has thrown at me some difficult moments, and coronavirus came to stir the pot even more. During this time I’ve had the chance...
Rainy Day

Rainy Day

I was recently asked what was my favorite way to spend a rainy day? My mind quickly looked back at the rainy day I experienced this week. I was in my office at work busy with the tasks of the day, but through the exit door nearby came that familiar scent of rain and...
Outside the Window

Outside the Window

Sitting here in front of my bedroom window looking outside. There’s so much going on on the other side of the glass, yet it’s so calming. Three new white roses bloomed overnight on the rosebush right in front. What force makes them grow and be so...
Lazy Spring Mornings

Lazy Spring Mornings

Lazy Spring mornings are for dreaming and enjoying the simple things of warmer days. To breathe in the cooler morning air. To bring fresh cut roses inside so I can enjoy their beauty and sweet perfume throughout the day. I’m so glad thorns have roses! To dream...
Planning Tomorrow

Planning Tomorrow

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.”-Karen Lamb     If I had the chance to change the calendar, I would move January to the Spring. As we come out of Winter hibernation, nature and people seem to filled with new life. We have more energy, are a...
Try Just One More Time

Try Just One More Time

Thomas Edison once said that “our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” The inventor of the light bulb tried just one more time at least 1000 times, before finally discovering the right filament that...