The E Word

The E Word

The dreaded E word. We know we need it, but often avoid it. Science shows its tremendous benefit to us, but we would like to run away from it as much as possible. And if we can run away from it while sitting on the couch munching on chips or chocolate, even better!...
Three Weeks of Health

Three Weeks of Health

What does it look like to change your heating habits and experience great benefits in just 3 weeks? For my client Dianna this change has meant freedom from depression, a weight loss of 11 pounds, and a new outlook in life. In 3 weeks only. That’s the power of...
Planning Tomorrow

Planning Tomorrow

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.”-Karen Lamb     If I had the chance to change the calendar, I would move January to the Spring. As we come out of Winter hibernation, nature and people seem to filled with new life. We have more energy, are a...
Benefits of Nature: A Case Study

Benefits of Nature: A Case Study

Have you ever experienced feelings of depression, sadness, worry, grief, stress, or anxiety? If you are a human being living in this world, I know you’ve experienced these and many other negative feelings. It’s part of daily life, and as time passes by at...
Try Just One More Time

Try Just One More Time

Thomas Edison once said that “our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” The inventor of the light bulb tried just one more time at least 1000 times, before finally discovering the right filament that...
Creating a Salad

Creating a Salad

The salad is often relegated to a side dish, but in truth, if we’re interested in building strong health, the salad should take center stage as the main dish of our meals. Here are some ideas to help you build a healthy and nutritious plant based salad. Begin...