Outside the Windows

Outside the Windows

I love spending quiet time in the morning near a window, taking a little bit of the outside to inside with me. This morning, face pressed against the window screen watching all the activity in the backyard, I started thinking about all the views outside meaningful...
Pockets of Slow

Pockets of Slow

Grateful for slow. After the crazy past several months, I’m starting to notice small pockets of slow and for those I’m grateful. The last year has thrown at me some difficult moments, and coronavirus came to stir the pot even more. During this time I’ve had the chance...
Diving Deeper Into Wellness

Diving Deeper Into Wellness

Six months ago I decided to expand my wellness journey. I had been enjoying great health and the passion to share what I was learning with others started to grow bigger in me, so I signed up for a Transformative Nurse Coaching program. And what a journey it has been!...
Want-Do List

Want-Do List

Life has changed. I’m not completely sure if for the better or for the worse, this I’m still trying to figure out. I’m not entirely sure if things have slowed down as I am still very busy, but I’m busy with different things, and several of those things I enjoy. It...
Using My Inheritance

Using My Inheritance

Growing up my father often spoke of the inheritance he would leave for us kids. Visions of treasure and large amounts of money would enter his listeners minds. What and how much was my father’s inheritance? He thoroughly enjoyed people’s reactions as they listened to...
Complete The Good Work

Complete The Good Work

  Have you ever experienced a food craving? Like chocolate in between meals for example? And by between meals I mean all day long! If you are a human being living on this earth, I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about. Once in a while, and especially if...