Bear Tracks

Bear Tracks

I had been looking forward to a nice hike up in the mountains. We were spending a few days in nature with friends, and the hike up on the tall mountain nearby was high on my wish list. The setting was beautiful and the scenery from the top was breathtaking. We...
Diagnosed with diabetes. Now what?

Diagnosed with diabetes. Now what?

You have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Perhaps you knew it was coming. You have several family members with this condition and knew it was a matter of time it would happen to you as well. Perhaps you were experiencing some unusual symptoms lately. You’ve been...
Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design

Your default life.  Are you living your default life or your intentional life? We are daily faced with thousands of choices and often these choices are made as if we’re traveling on auto-pilot, influenced by society, culture, our upbringing, our beliefs. We live...
Wellness From a Tree

Wellness From a Tree

One doesn’t have to be a scientist to know that nature has a positive influence on us. Time spent outdoors under the big sky and surrounded by beautiful landscapes, has the ability to nurture our souls in ways that can go deep into who we are. There is healing for...


Aha moments can be powerful! I recently read a book by Dr. Edith Eger called The Choice. In it Dr. Eger tells her experience as a prisoner in Auschwitz, and the healing journey across the years after her liberation from the concentration camp. One of the things I...
Diagnosed with diabetes. Now what?

Beautifully Complex

Ballina Road Coaching exists to support those who want to achieve great health through lifestyle transformation. Because we are beautifully complex beings, I don’t focus on one area of your wellbeing only, but address you as a whole person. This is holistic coaching. ...