Diagnosed with diabetes. Now what?

Diagnosed with diabetes. Now what?

You have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Perhaps you knew it was coming. You have several family members with this condition and knew it was a matter of time it would happen to you as well. Perhaps you were experiencing some unusual symptoms lately. You’ve been...
An Abundant Life

An Abundant Life

Hi there! I wanted to tell about an adventure I embarked on a few years ago which has been growing so much that I must share it with everyone! It has to do with the choices we make and the power we have to change our lives for the better. As I started redirecting my...
Three Weeks of Health

Three Weeks of Health

What does it look like to change your heating habits and experience great benefits in just 3 weeks? For my client Dianna this change has meant freedom from depression, a weight loss of 11 pounds, and a new outlook in life. In 3 weeks only. That’s the power of...
Creating a Salad

Creating a Salad

The salad is often relegated to a side dish, but in truth, if we’re interested in building strong health, the salad should take center stage as the main dish of our meals. Here are some ideas to help you build a healthy and nutritious plant based salad. Begin...
Weekly Prep

Weekly Prep

No one can deny the importance of being prepared. Study for an exam, pack for a trip, save to buy a house, and doing research for a project, are just some of the things we need to do to be prepared for certain situations in life. If you don’t study for that exam,...