Want-Do List

Want-Do List

Life has changed. I’m not completely sure if for the better or for the worse, this I’m still trying to figure out. I’m not entirely sure if things have slowed down as I am still very busy, but I’m busy with different things, and several of those things I enjoy. It...
Rainy Day

Rainy Day

I was recently asked what was my favorite way to spend a rainy day? My mind quickly looked back at the rainy day I experienced this week. I was in my office at work busy with the tasks of the day, but through the exit door nearby came that familiar scent of rain and...
Outside the Window

Outside the Window

Sitting here in front of my bedroom window looking outside. There’s so much going on on the other side of the glass, yet it’s so calming. Three new white roses bloomed overnight on the rosebush right in front. What force makes them grow and be so...
Lazy Spring Mornings

Lazy Spring Mornings

Lazy Spring mornings are for dreaming and enjoying the simple things of warmer days. To breathe in the cooler morning air. To bring fresh cut roses inside so I can enjoy their beauty and sweet perfume throughout the day. I’m so glad thorns have roses! To dream...
Benefits of Nature: A Case Study

Benefits of Nature: A Case Study

Have you ever experienced feelings of depression, sadness, worry, grief, stress, or anxiety? If you are a human being living in this world, I know you’ve experienced these and many other negative feelings. It’s part of daily life, and as time passes by at...