Bear Tracks

Bear Tracks

I had been looking forward to a nice hike up in the mountains. We were spending a few days in nature with friends, and the hike up on the tall mountain nearby was high on my wish list. The setting was beautiful and the scenery from the top was breathtaking. We...
Wellness From a Tree

Wellness From a Tree

One doesn’t have to be a scientist to know that nature has a positive influence on us. Time spent outdoors under the big sky and surrounded by beautiful landscapes, has the ability to nurture our souls in ways that can go deep into who we are. There is healing for...
Echoes Across the Lake

Echoes Across the Lake

We were driving down the dirt road, curious in anticipation of what was to come. The map said there was a lake just a little further down. We parked the car on top of the hill and looked down. There it was, the lake! It spread down across the valley, the surrounding...
Outside the Windows

Outside the Windows

I love spending quiet time in the morning near a window, taking a little bit of the outside to inside with me. This morning, face pressed against the window screen watching all the activity in the backyard, I started thinking about all the views outside meaningful...
Pockets of Slow

Pockets of Slow

Grateful for slow. After the crazy past several months, I’m starting to notice small pockets of slow and for those I’m grateful. The last year has thrown at me some difficult moments, and coronavirus came to stir the pot even more. During this time I’ve had the chance...
The World Beneath My Feet

The World Beneath My Feet

Early morning walk. I grabbed my phone in search of a new podcast to listen to. Usually I go for health or nutrition podcasts, but this time my attention switched to nature. Browsing through the different options, I decided to go with one called The Wild, a podcast...