Ballina Road Coaching exists to support those who want to achieve great health through lifestyle transformation. Because we are beautifully complex beings, I don’t focus on one area of your wellbeing only, but address you as a whole person. This is holistic coaching. 

Sometimes we focus on just one aspect, unaware that there are thoughts and experiences from the past getting in the way of true progress. When you and I work together, we explore what is holding you back from achieving your goals, and then create a plan to clear the way so you can get to where you want to be. 

Through holistic coaching, people have achieved some lofty goals. Such as the client wanting to lose weight in a all or nothing way, but who found out that being kind to themselves allowed the weight loss to be permanent. Or the client who wanted to quit smoking, but stress at work was getting in the way. We found a way around this obstacle and this client was able to substitute smoking with a new healthy habit. What about the client who wanted more calm in her life, to be more present and practice mindfulness, but bitterness and resentment were getting in the way. Once she was able to break free from those negative emotions, she was able to discover peace and calm in her life. Then there was the client who wanted to go plant-based, but often would revert to his old ways. Once we found out his why and how food was affecting his body, he felt empowered to fully dive in into a whole foods plant rich diet causing him to not only lose unwanted weight, but also let go of conditions such as prediabetes and seasonal allergies. 

If you are wanting to achieve great health through lifestyle transformation, working with a holistic nurse coach can be life changing. If interested, send me a message, or book a complimentary coaching session to experience how coaching could support you in reaching your wellness goals.