Echoes Across the Lake

Echoes Across the Lake

We were driving down the dirt road, curious in anticipation of what was to come. The map said there was a lake just a little further down. We parked the car on top of the hill and looked down. There it was, the lake! It spread down across the valley, the surrounding...


My son and I went for a nice walk around the neighborhood this morning. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and a soft breeze blew. With temperatures in the 90s fastly approaching again today, the cool morning was a welcome change. Lawns were being watered and...
Hope Is Not Cancelled

Hope Is Not Cancelled

Several weeks ago I put my diabetes educator hat down and moved to bedside nursing to help with the COVID-19 pandemic at my local hospital. Not surprisingly, the whole situation has been very stressful for pretty much everyone, with our normal changed into a new...
Outside the Windows

Outside the Windows

I love spending quiet time in the morning near a window, taking a little bit of the outside to inside with me. This morning, face pressed against the window screen watching all the activity in the backyard, I started thinking about all the views outside meaningful...