Hi there!

I wanted to tell about an adventure I embarked on a few years ago which has been growing so much that I must share it with everyone! It has to do with the choices we make and the power we have to change our lives for the better. As I started redirecting my life in areas I knew should change such as embracing a plant-rich diet, being more physically active, and sleeping better, I started to feel, look, and live differently. I had abundant energy, lost weight, my vision cleared, and I let go of little ailments that were bothersome such as frequent colds, seasonal allergies, and dermatitis. Those around me noticed and started asking questions. As I shared what I had learned, many decided to embrace change too. As we worked together, they too achieved their wellness goals. The joy and energy was so contagious that I wondered how I could serve others more powerfully. I enrolled in a nurse coaching program and spent several months submerged in learning the art and science of coaching. The knowledge and experience gained during that time took my wellness journey to a whole new level, helping change not only my physical wellbeing, but also my mental and emotional wellness! Since then, I have opened a coaching practice and have been blessed by serving people achieve amazing health and wellness goals. Here are some of my clients’ accomplishments through the support of coaching:

Lost weight and kept if off

Stopped smoking

Achieved freedom from anxiety

Have abundant energy

Reversed prediabetes

Strengthened their immune systems

Seasonal allergies are a thing of the past

Overcame infertility

Embraced forgiveness

Built confidence

Let go of debilitating thoughts and habits

Attained peace of mind

Coaching helped them achieve these and many other results. We had powerful conversations together, they were heard like they have never been heard before, they created a clear vision for their future, came up to life-changing insights, implemented life style changes through small consistent steps, and in the process achieved results that they never thought possible!

If you are ready to change your life inside and out and achieve your best health, let’s connect! Send me a message or head to ballinaroad.com and schedule a time for us to talk, 100% obligation free. It may just be one of the best decisions of your life!