An abundant life! Sounds good, doesn’t it? A life with less stress and anxiety, that is rich and full, where we can reach our dreams and full potential, and that at the same is serene and restorative. However, often we find ourselves so trapped in the daily stresses of life that even though an abundant life sounds good, we don’t know how to have it. Or if it is even within our reach. We keep going through our daily routines day in and day out, just trying to survive our days, not even knowing where to begin. We have an inner voice telling us we were created for much more, yet we confine ourselves in our small world, oblivious that there is a much bigger world for us to enjoy and explore. And I’m not talking about traveling. I’m talking about something greater. I’m talking about your life!

So how can you have a great life? Here are 5 steps you can take to begin enjoying an abundant life today. 


  1. Know you can – The greatest hindrance to a great life is ourselves. We allow fears and doubts to dictate what we can and can’t do. But we may be avoiding the greatest experiences of our lives because of fear. You can have an abundant life. God has promised it to you. He says He has plans for your life. Plans to give you hope and a future. Believe it. 
  1. Stop multi-tasking – We can’t do multiple things at a time and excel at any. Prioritize and then focus on one activity or one project to do it well. How often do we get distracted with other activities and never completely finish the one we started? Finish one project before moving on to the next.
  1. Eat more plants – Plants are nature’s best foods. A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts has incredible benefits for our physical and mental health. Better skin, weight loss, lower risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and an improvement in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue, are some of the many benefits of being plant strong.
  1. Minimize – Your possessions that is. Remove from your home any duplicates of things you may have, clothes you don’t wear anymore, knick-knacks you don’t like. Begin with the places you spend most of your time so you can be encouraged by the results. Imagine clutter-free countertops in the kitchen and a dinning room table ready for a meal at any time. Don’t do it all at once. Take baby steps and clear a small space at a time. A clutter-free home will give you an amazing sense of calm and well-being. 
  1. Be present – This goes beyond stopping multi-tasking. If you’re playing with your children, be fully there instead of constantly checking your phone for the latest notifications. If you’re taking a class, be fully present learning the things being taught. If talking with your spouse or friends, be fully listening instead of allowing your mind to wander about the many other things that need to be done. To be present is to be fully submerged when interacting with people, and people are what life is all about.