Ballina Road Coaching

Breaking Free from Diabetes

Here is the beginning of an amazing journey: your journey to your best health yet! Let’s work together to reverse insulin resistance and put your diabetes in remission!

Lifestyle medicine works!

One-on-One Coaching:

Diabetes Management Through Lifestyle Medicine




Emotional and mental weelbeing


      After I lost precious people in my life, I became depressed and lost motivation, resulting in gaining weight, having less energy, and even more depression. Vania helped me trace a new plan for my life,  helped me gain motivation back, which resulted in the loss of the gained pounds and even more, I started feeling healthier, stronger and happier.

      I recommend Vania as a health coach to anyone who wants to be healthier, happier, and feel more accomplished in life.


      From the blog

      Bear Tracks

      Bear Tracks

      I had been looking forward to this hike up in the mountain, but then we saw them… bear tracks!

      read more

      “I came that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” – Jesus

      John 10:10